Archive for the ‘gluten free’ Category

Homemade caramel with sea salt

06/14/2012 by Holly • 1 Comment

Recipe: Judicialpeach's Sea Salt Caramels
Total time: 30 minutes
Ease: Easy
Unusual ingredients: Light Corn Syrup

I’ve always liked to bake but as a college student, I’ve never had enough time or a kitchen to do it in. I was lucky enough to get to spend some time with Lara recently, and she allowed me free reign in her kitchen. Everything I’ve ever wanted to try passed through my mind, but these caramels seemed accessible enough to try.


Recent failed baking attempts

10/09/2011 by Lara • 2 Comments

Believe it or not, I’ve been baking away since my last post. They’ve just all failed miserably. Most I haven’t even attempted to photograph, so they won’t see the light of day here on Semisweetie. Two I wanted to warn you all about.


Gluten free chocolate cake roll

07/31/2011 by Lara • 9 Comments

Recipe: Smitten Kitchen's Heavenly Chocolate Cake Roll
Total time: 2 hours
Ease: Intermediate
Unusual ingredients: semisweet chocolate, heavy cream, unsweetened cocoa powder

It’s like an enormous Ho-Ho. But it’s gluten free, super chocolatey, and you can totally make it yourself.

Honestly, if you didn’t know the ingredients list, you would have no idea that this cake is gluten-free. It has no strange texture or taste; there’s no flour substitute that gives a hint of lack of gluten. This is the one of the tastiest cakes I’ve ever made. In fact, I may create this recipe again, except as a four-layer cake instead of a cake roll!

Now, I won’t kid you. This isn’t the easiest cake to make. In fact, no matter how delicately I handled it or how intently I reread the directions, I couldn’t prevent my cake from cracking. I even used a timer for each step to follow the recipe’s directions. But this should assure you: unless your cake is super duper cracked when you unroll it, you’ll still have a great cake roll! (more…)