Archive for the ‘drinks’ Category

Earl Grey Lemonade

07/27/2011 by Lara • 6 Comments

Recipe: Un dejeuner de soleil's limonata alla lavanda e rosmarino
Total time: half hour to steep tea, 5 minutes to juice lemons
Ease: easy
Unusual ingredients: lemons, earl grey

Oh my goodness gracious. I have found the best drink I have ever tasted. It combines my favorite tea with my favorite summer drink; if you like Arnold Palmers, you’ll like this lemonade made with Earl Grey tea. (Kelly Prizel, you need to try this immediately!)

I was inspired to make the original recipe using lavender and rosemary, but on this hot summer day, neither were to be found in our cupboard. We did, however, still have a ton of loose Earl Grey tea. We decided to give this a shot.

The resulting drink has the lemon tang with a soothing floral citrus flavor, and a hint of bergamot. If you like sweeter lemonades, then definitely add more sugar – this recipe is for a very tart, fresh lemonade. The tea isn’t overwhelming; it just adds a really subtle and new flavor that’s incredibly refreshing. (more…)