Archive for the ‘cake’ Category

Mint Chocolate Chip Cake

10/13/2011 by Lara • 6 Comments

Recipe: Raspberri Cupcakes' Mint Chocolate Chip Cake
Total time: 1.5 hours
Ease: easy
Unusual ingredients: caster sugar, peppermint essence, semisweet chocolate

Thank goodness I have a mother-in-law with good taste in birthday cakes.

This past week we traveled to my in-laws to celebrate her birthday. Brad gave me some tips on what she might like for her cake – I was stoked to create something minty and chocolatey for her. This easily ties for first place with another cake I made when visiting them (chai cake with honey ginger cream). It’s super chocolatey and the mint is just perfect; it really reminds your taste buds of ice cream!


Recent failed baking attempts

10/09/2011 by Lara • 2 Comments

Believe it or not, I’ve been baking away since my last post. They’ve just all failed miserably. Most I haven’t even attempted to photograph, so they won’t see the light of day here on Semisweetie. Two I wanted to warn you all about.


Vertical layers birthday cake – tutorial

08/28/2011 by Lara • 15 Comments

I was with my parents this year for my birthday, and decided to make a joint birthday cake for myself and my father (whose birthday is in September). I asked my dad what his favorite cake flavors were – he said he really likes basic chocolate and vanilla. My dad is an 8th grade math teacher, and I couldn’t let an opportunity to make a really awesome cake pass us by, so I decided to try my hand at this vertical layer cake tutorial.

You can make this cake using any two kinds of cake mix that you’d like. I opted to go with my favorite moist chocolate cake and a simple vanilla recipe I found online. I won’t link to the vanilla recipe because it didn’t quite work for this purpose – the cake was way too dense and it didn’t match the fluffiness or the moistness of the chocolate cake. Thought it ended up holding together a bit better than the chocolate cake, it was nearly impossible to level after being in the freezer, and I think it would have been better to match the texture of the chocolate. (more…)