Mocha brownies

03/18/2011 by Lara • 6 Comments

Recipe: Martha Stewart's Mocha Brownies
Total time: 3.5 hours
Ease: Beginner
Unusual ingredients: instant espresso powder, unsweetened cocoa powder

On the hunt for caffeinated treats, I came across these mocha brownies; perfect for helping coworkers power through a late night launch!

These are very straightforward, with the exception of one step: the parchment. I absolutely see the need for parchment (the brownies were very hard to get out). But next time, I’ll definitely need to cut my parchment down to size. The wrinkles around the corners where the parchment folded up created uneven edges:

Still beautiful, and definitely still edible, just a little more frustrating than I was bargaining for!

The brownies came out great, and I was able to cut them evenly around the strange edges.

Final tips:

  • carefully cut your parchment before placing it in your pan
  • definitely follow the dampened serrated cutting knife directions; they’ll save you a ton of heartache!

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Tags: instant espresso powder, ,


  1. Alex Lessard says:

    Quite tasty, if I do say so myself.

    • Lara says:

      Aww, yay! The espresso didn’t keep you up all night like it apparently did for Tom? :)

      • Tom says:

        At 3am, they /look/ great, and they /taste/ great, and they are extremely satisfying. There was no risk in falling asleep during the ride home from Manchester.

        At 6am, when you’re looking at the ceiling saying, “Why can’t I fall asleep?!!!,” one starts to ask some questions…

  2. Aunt Ellen says:

    A way to skip the parchment paper and have ocd perfectly cut brownies is to bake them in those non-eco friendly 8×8 foil pans. Grease the bottom, bake as instructed.

    When done, cool pan slightly, then put the pan in the freezer. After a couple of hours you can either put the pan in a 1 gallon environmently evil zip lock bag and freeze for up to one month, or take out of freezer to cut & serve.

    On a cutting board, use kitchen scissors and cut each corner of the foil pan. Fold out all 4 sides. Turn over frozen brownie pan and push out brownie slab. Use long knife like a bread knife, first evening out the 4 edges (great for snacking & known to have no calorie count)then cut the frozen brownies into 16 beautiful brownie squares.

    This may not be a planet saver, but is sure is a time saver and the freezer step seems to lock in a little extra moisture.

  3. Lara says:

    Ellen – that is awesome to know!! Thank you!
