Spinach and Kale Smoothie Starter

09/02/2013 by Lara • 4 Comments

smoothie-starter-squareWhat do you get for the person who loves making smoothies? Plenty of kale and spinach!

Since I have Crohn’s, I can’t eat any leafy greens so I rarely pick them up at my local farmer’s market. But these bunches of kale and spinach were too beautiful to pass up! I had seen this recipe for green smoothie cubes and decided to try it. The result is a “smoothie starter” or “smoothie base” made out of kale and spinach that allows you to use greens anytime you want to make a smoothie, whether or not you have these veggies fresh on hand, without losing any nutritional value! All you need is a bunch of kale, a bunch of spinach, and a few cups of water.


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Recent home organization and crafts

09/01/2012 by Lara • Comment

Pixel wall art using paint chipsI’ve been on a crafting and decorating kick over the last few weeks, sparked by lots of vacation time! First up was some much-needed wall art in my living room. I love pixel art (like or ) and wanted a low-cost piece in my living room. I wanted it to be easily editable, so the pixels had to be relatively temporary and easy to remove. I went to Home Depot and grabbed paint chips in about a dozen different colors, intentionally choosing only a few chips of accent colors and lots of chips of the main blues and greens. Some of the differences between the colors were minimal, which is what I was aiming for, and they look pretty cool in person. I used Blu-Tack to adhere them to the wall and applied five at a time with a level to make sure it was all lined up! (read more…)

Tomato, peach, and mozzarella summer appetizer

08/12/2012 by Lara • 1 Comment

Time for something a little savory! I wanted to make a small appetizer that was quick and used a few fresh, summery ingredients. I read online that tomato and peach flavors go really well together so I decided to give it a go!

Ingredients (makes 6-8)

1 Baguette
1 Tomato
1 Peach
1 Mozzarella ball
Balsamic vinegar (read more…)

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